Friday, October 25, 2024

Private Life Sherlock Holmes signed by Starrett

A little while back I obtained a copy of The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1st ed, 1933, Macmillan) at an auction. This ticked off something I'd been seeking, as this copy is signed by Vincent Starrett. The book came with a custom bookcase, certainly it did not come with the book, and the book is also missing its dustjacket.

The book is signed and inscribed by author on the front free endpaper: 

"To Franklin Rhode – this rare first edition – signed with canonical greetings by Vincent Starrett 17 Nov. 1965".

I had not looked into who this 'Franklin Rhode' might be, when the sale was mention in Peter Blau's 'Scuttlebutt' newsletter for September 2025 (you can read the newsletter each month at

I let Peter know that I had the book, and Peter recommended I check in with the World-Leading Starrett Authority, Ray Betzner. Ray got back to me with some lovely information:

"I am quite confident that this book was inscribed by Starrett himself. The inscription and date lend a high level of authenticity.... As for Frank Rhode, there is a good candidate I think. There were many by that name in Chicago in the '60s. But I feel confident his full name was Franklin W. Rhode, who was a member of the Hounds of the Baskerville (sic), Starrett’s Chicago scion."

Ray also suggested I look into whether there was a Sherlockian meeting in Chicago on 17 November 1965... for example the Hounds of the Baskerville (sic), 

But first, who was Franklin Rhode? The great news is that the Hounds of the Baskerville (sic) have a wonderful web site that includes biographies of members:

Franklin Williams Rhode was born January 5, 1910 in Chicago, IL.  Rhodes was described as a “railroad man and a collector of old English glossaries” in the June 1967 issue of The Baker Street Journal. He was active with Hugo’s Companions, participating in their Silver Blaze horseraces, and served as their Sergeant-at-arms. He contributed the article “My Old Friend Charlie Peace” to the June 1966 Baker Street Journal; “Palmer and Pritchard Were Among the Heads of Their Profession”, parts 1 and 2, to the June 1967 and March 1968 issues; and “Langdale Pike and Steve Dixie” to the March 1970 issue. He received the investiture of “My Old Friend Charlie Peace” from The Baker Street Irregulars in 1967. He moved to St. Louis in 1970. Rhode died on October 17, 1974 and is buried in St. Louis, MO. Biographical information provided courtesy of Julie McKuras.

A collection of Sherlockian pieces by Franklin Rhodes were published under the title Pike’s Peeks at the World of Sherlock Holmes (Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 1988). The book includes a brief bibliography of Rhodes, and some delightful sketches:

In time I will add any extra biographical notes from the Rhode book.

Sadly, I have not yet identified how Starrett and Rhode intersected on 17 November 1965. I've searched Chicago newspapers and found no account of any event, and helpful searches by Chicago scion heads hasn't unearthed an event on that date. Starrett published 'Born in a Bookshop' in late 1965, and there are multiple book reviews in Chicago papers in November 1965. Perhaps the book was autographed at a book signing event for Starrett's new book.

Rhode lies in Bellefontaine Cemetery, St. Louis City, Missouri

Franklin Williams Rhode
Birth 5 Jan 1910
Death 17 Oct 1974 (aged 64)


  1. According to The Devon County Chronicle, the annual meeting of The Hounds of the Baskerville was held on 7 October 1965, so it seems unlikely that another meeting was held on 17 November. However, a meeting of Hugo's Companions was held on 7 November, 1965, at which both Starrett and Frank Rhode were present, and I wonder if the date Starrett noted in the inscription was a small error, 17 instead of 7 November. Rhode, by the way, has a nice little encomium to Starrett in the Oct 1965 issue of The Devon County Chronicle.

    1. Wow thanks so much for this information! I'll have to look into the Devon County Chronicle, and I'll add the information you've provided into the blog post (with credit!).


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