Friday, October 18, 2024

Glittering fragments of John Bennett Shaw

I recently picked up some wonderful items regarding John Bennett Shaw ( Shaw was famous as a collector of all things Sherlockian. He sent out an annual Christmas Card, was a productive correspondent, and ran a delightful scion that met in Moriarty, New Mexico to disdain the memory of that evil genius - including with a shooting session.

The collection of material was owned by Jim Coffin, a CA Sherlockian. I've decided to show some examples here of Shaw's wonderful output.

I hope these examples are entertaining,

Christmas cards


1993 was the last year that Shaw sent out a Christmas card, and he presaged that with the message in his card. It was the year his collection made its way to the University of Minnesota. 

Letters - Shaw dedicated an incredible amount of time to correspondence. Here's one letter as an example. Shaw mentions a murder that happened (suspected) next door, and also appears to be referring to the suspicion that Jack Tracy BSI murdered his mother (you can read a great deal about that at this web page).

The Brothers Tree of Moriarty - Shaw's scion. Each program includes a list (a long list!) of toasts, and included the Colonel Sebastian Moran Trap Shoot !

Photos - a visit to Shaw was recorded in a set of photos, including a wonderful one of Shaw and his wife Dorothy, and Shaw's wonderful license plate!

Finally among a set of newspaper article is a wonderful program for one of Shaw's workshops

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Glittering fragments of John Bennett Shaw

I recently picked up some wonderful items regarding John Bennett Shaw ( ). Shaw was famous as a collector of all thi...