Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Sherlock Holmes Murder File

Here's a great reference book for Sherlockians.

'The Sherlock Holmes Murder File' (1985) is a great concept. The book acts as a reference book that catalogs and describes murders and attempted murders in the canon. The book has individual sections organized by victim, assailant, weapon used (method), and motive. The description of each victim is detailed, and draws conclusions about cause of death.

The book was authored by Kelvin I Jones, an English writer who published multiple books on Sherlock Holmes ( and was published by Magico Magazine in 1985. The book includes an introduction by Marv Aronson BSI, who at the time was Chief Medical Examiner for the City of Philadelphia (you can read about Marv in his 2014 obituary here:

Multiple copies of the book are available for purchase at the usual places (ebay, etc), and it's a great resource organized around a the theme of murder and attempted murder - and as such excludes victims of other crimes in the canon such as blackmail. There is certainly interpretation required by Jones, and room for disagreement in some of the conclusions he draws, but it is thorough analysis.

The books is 9'' x 6'' in gilt-lettered blue boards and 104 pages. I have to say I've never liked the Magico covers with their odd faux leather. They appear dated.

It's not clear how many copies of the book were published, but my copy states that 44 are numbered and signed.

The Table of Contents.

Example of the entry for Brunton in The Musgrave Ritual

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