Sunday, May 21, 2023


Hello! This is of course a risk. Will I post? Or will this blog haunt me? We will see. I have several blogs for genealogy-related topics that I post to from time to time. I enjoy Agatha Christie, worship modern detectives like Inspector Morse (the TV series and the novels) the world of PD James, Victorian stories such as those by Meade.

But Sherlock Holmes is my passion, and I have found myself getting deeper and deeper into the wider world of Doyle. I enjoy literary studies and manuscript examinations, and am slowly learning how to play the game. I have great difficulty getting excited by pastiches - and perhaps this is simply because I don't have the imagination or skill to write fiction myself.

Where does "221B Cooee" come from? Well, I'm Australian, and always enjoy those Australian connections in the canon.

What will I do with this blog? 

I have several goals. 

First, I hope to write posts on Sherlockian books, new and old. I'm amazed at small personal connections in book ownership. I get excited to read a new book, or unearth an old one, and want to share that. 

Second, my niche passion is books published by the 'Baker Street Irregulars'. This includes books published by the Press, earlier books published under that name, and the Baker Street Journal. I am often frustrated at small print runs and out of print books, and hope to share what I learn about BSI books and their content. I'll share the journey of bringing together all BSI books - of course it might never happen.

Third, I hope to interview people on niche questions I have. Of course, I've thought about a podcast for Sherlockian conversations, but there I'd have less than 5 listeners, and most of the conversations I want to have are to satisfy my own curiosity!

Fourth, if and when I have any Sherlockian publications or other activities I'll be sure to post them here. This will include reports of Sherlockian meetings I attend.

The BSI book collection so far (of course with lots of other books shown here as well - I really do like the Hound of the Baskervilles!)

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